Submit your story
Share the true story of what’s going on in your relationships right now: whether you’re hooking up, breaking up, single, dating, having loads of sex, having no sex, in a situationship, in a relationship - share your story here. Or maybe there’s an ex, or a break-up, or a nearly-but-not-quite-relationship-situationship that you want to get out of your head and share safely here: that’s cool too. This is a safe, anonymous space to share without shame and contribute to a collective portrait of what our love lives are really like. This is not the curated, glossy highlights we see on social media, this is the raw, messy, more complex reality. Whether it’s one sentence, one paragraph or thousands of words, it’s welcome. No fictional stories, write straight from the heart, about your experience. Everyone has a story. And every story deserves to be heard. Share yours here and be part of a collective narrative that gets represented. Stories will be published anonymously on the Stories page and may also be platformed and published anonymously elsewhere as part of the project. Once submitted stories become part of the participatory project, It’s Complicated. For more details click here
Name and email: optional. Honesty, not.
Once submitted stories become part of the participatory project, It’s Complicated, by artist Philippa Found. Stories will be published and platformed as anonymous submissions. Submitters names and contact details will not be published. For more information click here